| - I love that this place boasts a New Times award for 2008 & 2010 on it's pizza box. Well, it's 2013 and this place is not the best of anything. I've recently had to change my diet because of gluten intolerance (I know, everybody has a gluten issue these days). So I went online to search for a pizza joint that offered gluten free crust and delivered, as I had to stay at work late and was getting hungry. I found this place on Yelp and the reviews seemed okay, so it was worth a shot. They have an online ordering system, which was very nice. I got the 12" gluten free thin crust, with 1 topping (sausage), and cut into squares. They said it would take about 45 minutes. No problem.
About 30 minutes after completing my order online the delivery boy was at my door. I was impressed by the fast service. I shouldn't have been. It should have been telling. Like when you go to McDonald's, order your food, and they have the tray with your food sitting on the counter before you're even done paying. You know that stuff has been sitting there for days.
So I go and sit down with my pizza. Mmm, smells good, and I'm super hungry. So I open the lid and first thing I notice is there is literally 12 little sausages on the pizza. Little, as in M&M size. They charge $1.40 for one topping. $1.40 for 12 little pieces of sausage? My god, I can buy a Little Caesar's sausage pizza for $6.00 and that thing is covered in sausage. I could pick off all the sausages from a Little Caesar's pizza, throw them in a bag, and sell them on the corner for at least 5 bucks. Apparently Jimmy Joe's can't afford it.
"Okay", I think, "That's okay, I can forgive the sausage shortage". So I grab my first piece. Or I tried to grab my first piece. The pizza isn't cut. It has indentations in it. It looks like someone tried to cut it, but the blade didn't go all the way through. What? How does a pizza place not have a blade that goes all the way through a pizza? I'm frustrated and a little disappointed now. Apparently Jimmy Joe's wants me to rip the 12" Frisbee apart with my teeth, like a cave woman. All right Jimmy Joe's, challenge accepted.
So I rip a chunk off the edge of the pizza and take my first bite. I immediately have to spit it out. THE PIZZA IS NOT COOKED. It's dough. It's a pancake of raw dough with melted cheese and sauce on top. It's inedible. Gee, I wonder why they couldn't get a pizza cutter through the pizza. Now I know. The funny thing is, the complete crust of the pizza is burnt to a crisp. It's a thin crust, 12" pizza. Can someone explain to me how you can completely burn the crust of a thin crust pizza and yet have the rest of the pizza completely uncooked? Especially when you are a pizzeria? How? How is that even possible? I use to cook pizzas when I was in high school. You make the pizza, stick it in one end of the oven and the thing comes out the other end fully cooked. And if it's not cooked, well gee, I don't know, maybe you put it in the oven for 5 more minutes. Isn't this their job? Cooking pizzas? And you can't even do that right. How sad. So, you can imagine, by this point I am seriously pissed off. I can forgive the stinginess on the sausage. I can forgive my pizza not being cut. But how on earth am I suppose to even be able to say if I like someones food or not, if I can't even eat it? It's unforgivable. $16/pizza + $3/delivery + $2/tax + $3/tip. Wow. $24 later and I get a piece of raw dough with some little rat dropping sized sausage on top. Lucky me. Now I'm at work for another 2 hours, with no dinner. Thanks Jimmy Joe's!
Now I have to waste my own time and gas to drive to this place, give them their disgusting pizza back, and get a refund. I get there and I realize as soon as I walk in why this place can't cook a pizza. It's pretty obvious there is no one in charge of anyone in this place. No manager, no owner. Just a bunch of people standing around doing nothing. Guy at the front asks me what I need. I told him I wanted a refund on this pizza I ordered. He asks me if it's from today. Really? Do people hold on to food for longer than a day to return it later? Gross. I told him yes and he asks what was wrong with it. I told him, "It's not cooked. It's a piece of dough, it's inedible."
Swear to god, he says, "Oh, ok. " Wow. No, "Oh, I'm sorry about that" or any kind of shocked reaction that they would have sent out an uncooked pizza to someone. It's apparently such a normal occurrence for this place, that the acceptable reaction to a customer returning something is "Oh, ok". The guy goes to get my refund. There is a kid in the back eating cookies over the prep area. Nasty.
So I finally get my money back and a very delayed, "Sorry about that". Oh Jimmy Joe's, it's okay. You keep up the great work. I know you'll be in business a long time with such great food.