Dr. Crum and his staff were nothing short of amazing. Normally, I have my reserves when it comes to anything related to a medical procedure ESPECIALLY when dealing with a specialist I have not dealt with before. I merely chose this office out of a convenience factor being that this office is very close to home, but after my hassle free experience, I'd be sure I'd go well out of my way to come here if I had to have another procedure done.
Though the pictures do look nice, they are not an accurate representation of what it looks like today after they had the office remodeled.
As for the process itself, it was a very streamline process all the way from the scheduling, to the painless procedure of having my wisdom teeth removed, finishing off with a seamless transfer of my insurance being more than affordable.
Anything in relation to medicine is not something you should cut yourself short on and I'd recommend dealing with the best of the best which is most definitely Dr. Crum and his staff.