This place looks great from the inside, and it has a unique menu. However, the service we received was completely rude and unacceptable. Our waitress (the woman with the skull tattoo on her arm) yelled at my friends, said she was cutting them off, and accused them of slurring their words, even though this was untrue and everyone had had only one drink. They had taken a few minutes to remember the name of the tequila they wanted and for some odd reason she mistook this for drunkenness- which she should be fired for, given she works in a bar and should know better. Everyone had been very polite to her, and this was a complete shock. We politely said okay, we will take our check then- and in response she flung the check down on our table angrily. When my friend told her, look- it is my birthday- and I don't appreciate being spoken to in this manner- the waitress obnoxiously responded "do you want to speak to my manager?" Which is a totally disgusting response when someone who isn't drunk is telling you it's her birthday. Friend did end up speaking to the manager who said he would talk to this horrible waitress, but who knows. My advice: DO NOT GO HERE. TERRIBLE SERVICE and none of us (6 total) will ever be back.