ALEX is an exquisite restaurant at the Wynn and perhaps be the BEST restaurant in Las Vegas altogether. This remarkable restaurant is superbly put together, with an attentive staff and delectable food that may be the BEST meal you will have in your life.
Everything about ALEX is grand. From the main entrance to the host and wait staff and to the menu, ALEX is just beyond fantastic. You are called by your surname during your dine-in here. You are waited on to be seated (WOW!).
My guy and I ordered from the Prie-Fixed menu, which included a variety of delectable food. I tried their fro grais and it just melted in my mouth; smoother than butter. I also got to try their asparagus, quail and many other delectable goodies. There were many "pieces" to each course that made me lost track. However, my palate was dancing in delight!
There were also a number of "in between entrees" served throughout our meal including a strawberry and creme dessert, served in a tiny cup. It was made with real heavy cream, which brought out the essence of rich flavors in that dessert.
ALEX is a restaurant no one should miss. You're here to surprise your palate. Though dishes are served in smaller portions but in frequency, you are bound to be satisfied once you've completed your meal.
Again, excellent, excellent service and accompanying staff.
Seven out of Five stars!