I recently visited Sorrentino's for a closed function, invite only-style. I was surprised that this function would have taken place at such a nice restaurant.
I thought the ambiance of this place was extremely flattering to the layout. They have nice big curtains framing the windows and a lovely fireplace in one corner. Half-way through the meal the fireplace was turned on and it gave the place a nice, toasty-warm feel to it.
The service we experienced during our function was pretty standard. I wasn't blown away by the service and, to be honest, was actually a little scared of one of the busser ladies. All-in-all they did a great job serving all the tables at the same time.
The food they served was just a bit above mediocre. The soup was a nice zucchini-tomato that was actually quite delicious. The main course that we were served was not my favourite. It was a crepe wrapped around a tomato ground veal with mushroom sauce on top. I didn't know it was veal until after the meal and was definitely not pleased. I suppose that explains why I didn't like it. I couldn't believe they would serve something like veal to a group of people who don't know what they're going to be eating. I was pretty mad about it.
I checked out the prices as we were leaving the restaurant and they seemed pretty normal for a nice Italian restaurant. I'd like to go again so I can try something I actually want to eat. I have high hopes for Sorrentino's so I'll give it another try next time I'm in the area.