Very disappointed in this hotel. We treated family to stay here for our wedding. I called after making the reservations (multiple rooms) to make sure that the rooms were taken care of but they'd be on their own for incidentals. When they checked out, the hotel charged us for their incidental charges and the room. I contacted billing and I disputed back and forth at least 10 times asking for me to get their credit card so that they could be charged for their incidentals and I told her that it would be ridiculous for us to ask them to pay for their incidentals after the fact and that the hotel is at fault since they did ask them for their credit cards when they checked in. I escalated this insure to corporate which had the hotel contact us to say that they had their credit cards the entire time and were going to refund the charge on our card and charge all of our guests cards for the incidentals. I got a call from an upset family member that was now charged for his entire room and incidental charges, about $600 when he should have just been charged just over $100 (this is just one of the guests for example.) The hotel also has not refunded any money back to our card and I found out about this on a Saturday and the billing is not in the office til Monday. Until then we have to deal with irate family members after trying to do something nice for them. The Westin really messed this one up.