Don't let the "luxury fool you this place has been a shit show! Me and my family have been in contact with Tamara since around November of 2017 and she was friendly at first... I am an EV driver and really moved here for the charging station and safe experience to raise my son. The day we move in we were told none of the charging stations were ready, they just sat there unready for about 2-3 weeks. It takes about 18 hours to charge at my last apartment and on move in day at my new "luxury" apartment it still takes the same duration. I was given a temp garage with a slow ass charger as I watched the much faster stations just sit there. Also they marketed and advertised as if it would be opening in January and we are going into May as us residence look at a pool we cannot go into.... They might of hired the worst construction company I've ever seen with my own eyes as well. Lazy pathetic workers who take about 60% longer to finish task then need be. The communication from leasing office to residents sucks drastically. We have fire places and grills that aren't set up and if they are weren't told we can use them. Mind you we moved in February 12th!!!!!!! Our first 5 weeks were free, and the lease is for rent and amenities we payed rent and have yet to receive any "luxury" amenities. Me and my family moved from Scottsdale, AZ due to horrible treatment at the leasing office. This experience feels this same as the last shitty place just more expensive. Also I could be the first and last to complain publicly but all the residents I run into feel the same way. Lastly the reason I took the time to write this is because my Mom flew here 2 weeks ago waiting on her move in truck to get here. She has been living out of here suitcase, the truck shows up and NO ONE WANTS TO HELP HER! They won't let 18 wheelers on the property and refuse to help her, she lives here and pays rent but cannot access her things. They won't even let the truck pull into construction zone... They are making her buy a smaller truck to unload her stuff. This is fucking bullshit and for everyone at the leasing office reading this, don't talk to me and my fucking family at all. Also get the gates opening and closing so folks have a sense of security in this "luxury" complex we pay for. More reviews coming soon, I work from home SO I HAVE TIME AND LOTS OF EMAILS! Thanks