STARBUCKS does it again. Well I went to the starbucks at 95 and rainbow. I asked for a large chai tea latte with vanilla and no water not for me. Also a medium Americano with an add shot and very little water. I received the the latte and apparently it was okay. Because the person it was for had no complaints. The Americano on the other hand..... the label didn't show my add shot. But it did show "EXTRA WATER" . Who in gods name adds extra water to coffee? But that's not the point. The cup was completely full to where without a lid it would have spilled. "Oh but you can pour out a little." You say. My reply is if I wanted weak coffee I would not have asked for the extra shot and very little water. "So what did you do?" You ask. Well I went to 7-11 and got coffee. After I threw what starbucks had given me in the trash. ONLY reason for two stars was the latte was correct.