Why, oh why do I keep going to Steak and Shake? Because of coupons, of course. They send out sheets of 'em. And even though they say that you cannot use them with other offers (such as, say, another coupon), you can actually use them with one another. We actually were able to pile three of them onto one ticket. Sweet.
Unfortunately, that is the absolute high point of the evening, other than the fact that they were close to where we were going. The service actually blows. It takes a long time to get someone to acknowledge that you are there. It then takes even longer to get a table. Then if you are lucky they might tell you that they will be with you in a minute while they clean the tables that look like they have been sitting there dirty since you walked in (while not actually taking your order).
Once your order is taken, it actually comes out fairly quickly - unfortunately there is almost no taste to it. The problem appears to stem from the guy on the grill who is mashing those thin little burgers into smithereens, making them into something approaching shoe leather. It would be nice if they had a bit of juice left to them perhaps. If you try their seasoning it can help, but you are really just adding salt.