So...I came to this shop to grab some yogurt because I was in dire need of some yogurt (not that I was in some crazy menopause, menstruation, or pregnancy moment or anything). This place was down the street from my house, and I must admit the prices are really decent! It's 2 for $5 for a small yogurt with one topping. Not bad if you ask me right!
And they do those punch card things where you buy 9 items and get a free yogurt. Who doesn't love punch cards! Punch cards are like Pokemon cards. You just collect and collect them.
What makes me feel as if they are worthy of 2 stars is the taste of the yogurt. The taste of the yogurt depends on EVERYTHING. So after enjoying the idea of inexpensive, I finally dipped into my yogurt to taste. Complete FAIL! The taste tasted a bit off and less like tart yogurt to me. I might try to come back and try other selections on the list, but I might steer away from the yogurt.
So...concluding that I'd even have that question come up in my mind made me decide that I probably won't be filling up my punch card . PLUS! the lady wasn't very helpful, conversational, or friendly! So the service was just as off as the taste of the yogurt tart.