My experience with A to Z Transmission lasted more than a month and several failed attempts to rebuild my automatic transmission. To make matters worse, the owner insinuated that the first transmission failure was my fault for letting it sit in my garage for several months while the car it was going in was being restored. Never mind that when I brought the car back and they "rebuilt" it again, the owner drove it and it lasted only a few minutes longer than it did the first time for me. After supplying the shop with 2 additional valve bodies and a car that was in their possession more than mine, they finally got it right, sort of. It leaked like an old Harley. Yeah, I could have taken it back to them to fix the leak. NOT!!!! I'd rather get a root canal.
I can't prove that they left the car windows down during the huge rain storm we just had, but the car was in their possession at the time and the carpet was so full of water when I got it back, I had to remove the carpet and seats to get all the water out. I thought at the time that it might have leaked accidentally from a faulty cowl vent that had just been repaired, so I didn't press the issue. It is an old car. But the water under the back seat told a different story. Was it an accident that the windows were left down or an attempt at retribution after I threatened to sue just to get my car back or a refund.
You think this was maybe just an isolated incident? One of the techs there told me that many of the transmissions they had done recently were brought back because they hired a new guy who just happened to work on my car too, for the so called warranty work.
After all this do you think the owner would have thanked me for my patience and apologized for having tied up my car for more than a month? Not on your life! He couldn't get rid of me fast enough.
Do yourself a favor and avoid this shop like a plague. If I could score their performance from 1-10 they wouldn't even make it to one. To put it bluntly, they suck and you'd be stupid to let them "work" on your car.