| - I recently dined at Bistro 83 for lunch as my mom wanted to go here for her birthday. It's not located immediately off the highway, but isn't difficult to find. It's located in a small shopping center/development.
It's a nice place. Classy looking interior. The building/space looks newly built. Attractive bar with 15 seats or so. Restaurant seating is several very large booths and a decent number of tables.
Service throughout our meal was great. Our waiter was friendly, knowledgeable, professional and patient. The people with me were slightly difficult customers. I won't go into details because I would be disowned, but the waiter was really great. There were a few items that we didn't like and they were taken off the bill without any of us asking for the same.
I'll avoid listing every item we ordered and just hit the notable parts:
We ordered the langostino mac and cheese. None of us liked it. It was bitter somehow and not enjoyable in the least.
I had a quattro formaggio flat bread and I would do some dirty things to eat that again (or just go again and pay for it like a normal person, i guess). It was perfectly cooked and was drizzled with honey which made my mouth sing. The cheese itself was not overwhelming, which is important on an item such as this. The menu description reads: cream sauce, brie, parmesan, local goat cheese, mozzarella, chives, and honey. It worked. It worked really well. We all agreed it was the best thing that arrived on our table.
I think the prices are a little high. $10 to $14 is the cost for a flat bread. $15 for a mac and cheese "small plate" appetizer.
Conclusion: I'd go again despite our relatively inconsistent lunch. It could have just been a bad day in the Bistro 83 kitchen. If I can con someone into driving me, I'd love to go to one of their wine tastings. I see online that they have a room just for wine tasting.
Bonus points: on Bistro 83's menu online, they show pictures of almost every item.