Can 3.5 stars be a thing? Because I want that to be a thing. This place is great for a lot of things including beautiful and unique indie yarns and patterns, but holy damn do the prices get in the way. I fell in love with a yarn in the store and swallowed my love when they told me it was $32+ a skein. I went home and was still smitten and decided to look it up on ravelry to convince myself, and through some browsing, another nearby shop was selling the same wool for $23/skein. That's a huge price difference, and after doing some other googling from curiosity, it seems their prices are generally much higher than other local yarn shops. I wish I could support this lovely shop but as a young person, knitting is an expensive enough hobby without throwing an extra $50+ on a every garment I make.
I hope they consider chilling out on the massive price margins, because I'd love to shop here instead of just scoping.