I'm not a vegetarian (or a vegan for that matter) but I decided to come here with two friends who are. I probably had more wine and sangria (both are exquisitely tasteful) than I probably should have, but this is vegas so bottoms up! I ended up being real basic and unadventurous by ordering the spaghetti, no meatballs. Anyway, the pasta was really good! I tried asking for parmesan, but naturally, being a vegan restaurant and all, they didn't have any. Instead, the waitress offered me a yeast substitute. I'm sure the expression in my face was less than enthusiastic but I told her I would try it anyway. Conclusion: the yeast just wasn't for me, but kudos to anybody who finds delight and taste in the fungal substitute. Bypassing the fact that I'm just really not a vegan, this restaurant is the truth. They hold true to their cooking and dietary standards, which is great for people who may have or need restrictions when it comes to their food. The atmosphere was warm and very chill and all of servers were really nice.