On a last minute trip to Vegas with the little one..we needed to find things to take her to see and this popped into my head. I've never been so it was the perfect opportunity for us to visit together.
First off, don't pull into the Mandalay bay, pass yhe Four Seasons and hang a left at the first street. You'll be dumped into a huge parking lot, make your way to the second smaller lot and park. You'll see and entrance for thr aquarium and it doesn't look like much, but I promise you, after further exploration of the entrance you'll run smack into it.
The tickets line can get a bit long but moves pretty quick. Prices are a bit steep at 18 for adults but luckily the mini me just met the under 5 is free so that made it better.
They also have a 30 package and it includes a plush shark and a souvenir photo. I went for the splurge. Totally worth it IMO since at the end you're in a gift shop and you can say "oh honey, but you already have your shark".
Any who the aquarium itself is on the small side but the quality of fish they have is amazing. Im really bored at the Aquarium of the Pacific. Everything just seems to sterile but there's a cool theme that carries through and just makes it more special. We had a great time. In think it took us about 30minutes to go through but I would have sat my butt down at the huge last shark tank and could watch them for quite a bit. The coolest part to me was that once youre in the last tank area, there are viewing windows on the floor and is pretty awesome to be standing there and see a shark pass right under you.
Some of the areas are really humid but c'mon....you're viewing reptiles and fish....they're more concerned with their comfort than ours.
If we bring the little one back I can see us makijg a second trip.