Oh my god, someone please help these puppies and birds!!! I noticed an extremely emaciated Staghound pup here yesterday, with a reduced price tag of $900. Whatever is wrong with this poor dog (besides being kept alone in a very small pen for weeks) her vet bill is not going to cover the expense of paying to get her out of there. I witnessed eratic behavior, and she had an extremely profuse case of diarrhea. When I asked to play with her, they brought her to me, and the poor puppy did not know what to do. She was unsocialized (of course) wanted to play like crazy. Her paws looked crippled and there was a gigantic, painful looking cyst on her back right paw. I cannot get her out of my mind. It seems to me that this store should have a veterinarian around- much larger and more comfortable kennels. All of the puppies sleep on steel grates so that their urine and feces waste lays on a tray beneath them. I do believe that the very young staff here genuinely cares for all of the animals here- but they are too young, perhaps nieve to see the big picture. These puppies and all of the caged animals in this store are suffering. My heart broke when I had to leave that poor puppy.