| - My customer experience: My stepdaughter was dancing with move out loud, which I hope is not the case in the future. We attended her rehearsal at the Overture Center in Madison in June of this year. I have attended two of her recitals, and both times I have been shocked by the content of the songs, as well as the sheer length of the performances. During her recital there were songs about sex, male and female genitalia, as well as alcohol, that girls as young as four were dancing to. These songs are not appropriate for kids that age. We sat in the audience, my husband watched, embarrassed by some of the songs that were playing and having little girls dance to them. I'm sure he was not the only one to feel that way. The men danced to songs about wearing long gold chains and sagging pants. Instead of empowering our kids to have respect for themselves, to act like young men and women with class, this show exposed children to songs that they are not at all ready to understand, let alone perform to. This company also made sure my last review was removed from their website, which leads me to believe they are not seeking an honest view of their company from parents with children in their performances and classes. We pay for these classes, and we find the songs you have chosen to be very inappropriate.