NACHOBOT is FANTASTIC! I could leave the review AT THAT, but I wont cause that's boring and unoriginal which is the opposite of this place. Nachobot is a great concept that thrives on drunk bar hoppers and nacho fans of all shapes and sizes. They have crazy nacho combinations that seem to run out quickly so don't get there at 3AM on a Friday (even though whatever is left will still be delicious, and if you don't like it walk a house over to Jobot and get your crepe on - ALSO AMAZING). The owner of Nachobot is also the owner of Jobot SPOILER ALERT/SHOCKER, oops and they run their business very laid back and comfortable. You feel like your actually inside someones home, which in reality you are cause these buildings are homes converted to restaurants and bars but you get my point. Either way get over there when your downtown for an incredibly delicious experience complete with chopsticks (so you dont get yourself too messy, no joke interesting concept and it works) DO IT #Bacardiandcoke #startskyandhutchjoke