| - I'm still horrified by our experience from this morning. We have used this company before, less than a year ago, and called them back last week to have them come back out because our termites were coming through the living room. The last time the man came to our house, we noticed that his way of dealing with customers was not very good (demanding, borderline pushy, and very rough with our personal property) but we let it slide because the job was done effectively and at a reasonable price.
This time, the same technician came out, and the service was markedly worse. He arrived early, which is not necessarily a bad thing except my roommate works nights, and was still asleep in our bedroom. I showed him the spot where the bugs were, and excused myself to wake up my friend. Since I was on my way out the door, I could not stay. I told him twice that I would be right back. As I open the door to tell him to get up, the technician tries to follow me inside. This is Phoenix. It's late summer. It's still very warm. My roommate is mostly nude, and we were both appalled at the lack of privacy and disrespect. I usher him out to give my roommate a chance to cover up, and he takes that opportunity to force our blinds open and try to wrench open our patio door. I have to step in to open it for him, and when I turn around again, his is back in our bedroom AGAIN! He walked in as my roommate is brushing his teeth, and he had rush out of the bathroom as the technician tried to manhandle our clothing rack with our underwear still drying on it to look at the wall.
At this point we were embarrassed, angry, and I was officially late. He eventually filled in the holes and cracks, but not before smearing our walls with termite gunk as he dragged his equipment and all the dirt he tracked in across the house. Our walls are dinged and dented, and our carpet was violent ripped up and haphazardly stomped back down.
There are many exterminating companies in the valley with similar prices. Your employees are a reflection of your business, and we will absolutely be taking our business elsewhere in the future.