As other reviewers have noted, usually the quality and selection of "VV Boutique" locations is directly related to their environs. NOT SO HERE!
This is my prime jackpot-finding location in all of Ontario (second only to the Cambridge Hespeler Road store). FOR REAL. Lighting strikes almost every time I visit.
- BOOKS: Great book section - I have never left here without a minimum of 5 books (buy 4 get one free, b*tches).
- HOUSEWARES: big and fast-turning-over housewares section - I have found SO MANY kitchen and garden treasures here!!! Last week it was a birdhouse and six wicker baskets for the garden; the week before it was a whimsical teapot for a bridal shower and a brand new cast iron pan.
- STATIONERY: I am a stationery/postcard fiend and I often find interesting letter sets and old greeting cards in the plastic bags hanging on the walls.
- DRESSES: I have found every fancy dress for the past 3 years here (OK OK except one from Fashion Crimes and one from Cabaret) - for galas, fundraisers, weddings and parties. It's unreal. Some have still had tags. Great casual dresses too!
- ATHLETIC WEAR: Especially Adidas (including great vintage finds), which Mr. Rosie S. loves, and team jerseys seem plentiful too!
- SHOES: I have found amazing brands here. You'll always find Nine West, Steve Madden, Aldo, Naturalizer, Docs, etc... but one time I found Manolo Blahniks, I sh*t you not... in size 11. (DAMN!)
- Sometimes you have to fight your way up the ladder for customer service but not often. And the managers are great once you get to them!
- Carts (or lack thereof) - Carts are rare commodities here - I'm always stuck with two of those strange (awkward) rolling-tall-baskets-on-wheels-with-telescopic-handle-things. UGH. And there are always 6-8 carts being used by the staff for changeroom returns, checkout hangar collectors, etc.