| - It's a cute place and it's decorated to feel nice and homey. It achieves that. But I'm not there for the ambience, the sandwiches or the drinks - they have Pepsi on tap. SCORE for them. But that's not what I'm here to write about.
The cookies. That's what you come to this place for - the cookies. That's why I'm writing about them, too.
If you bake them, they will come.
When I used to go to the Mesa Arts Center to do work on my jewelry, I'd always have an extra $2 in my pocket for the sugar cookie. I would have one, but it was seriously my crack cocaine. I felt like one was never enough.
I've tasted all their cookies and frankly, they're honorable mentions when you pit them against the good god almighty sugar cookie they make.
Sugar cookie, with that frosting on other cookie out there can compare. It is the one thing that got me hooked on trying to replicate it. I didn't want my husband to know I had spent about $10 a week on cookies since I used to be at the Mesa Arts Center 4-5 days a week.
Eventually, my sugar cookie habit was discovered. An intervention ensued. We won't talk about that. I know it came from a good place by my husband and well meaning friends, but I still harbor a slight bitterness towards them...Since then, hubby's learned to sleep with one eye open.
Ok, putting their sugar cookie addiction aside, I've also had their food. It's nice, but nothing I'd really rave about. It's a little on the pricey side and I'd much rather go around the corner, snarf down some Taco Bell and use the extra money saved towards an extra sugar cookie. :D