| - ZERO stars if it was possible. I rarely write reviews. But the service and the way this restaurant handled their COCKROACH situation is just ridiculous. If we weren't meeting friends ...we would have definitely complained b/c this is not okay for any restaurant.
First of all, They had giant cockroaches INSIDE and outside the restaurant. 2-inch long flying cockroaches. We first saw a cockroach while sitting outside. Okay....I GUESS it could happen since we were outside. (The cockroach was on our friend's arm at one point by the way!) When we saw it kept crawling around us, we eventually moved inside. The waitress laughed it off when we were outside...But then there was another cockroach that ran across our back while we were sitting inside. THAT was definitely not okay.
As if it wasn't disgusting enough, none of the workers or any manager came by to check on us....nor did they say much/acknowledged the fact that there are cockroaches....KNOWING that it's now inside the restaurant. They can hear us, but they basically tried to ignore it until we literally jumped out of our seats. The only thing they said was... we have outdoor seating, the door is open, there's nothing much we can do.
Seriously??? I think that's what pissed us off the most. I'm sorry, but that kind of answer is not acceptable. Also isn't this some kind of HEALTH CODE VIOLATION? We're from Chicago. We've been to plenty of places with outdoor seating. Never have we seen any cockroaches inside (or outside) of any restaurants.
It also cannot be an Arizona thing. We love it here. Everything is outdoor. We've eaten at so many outdoor seating places...We stay at hotels with outdoor (ground floor) balconies where people eat outside, and not once have we seen anything like this.
Their service is horrible considering the situation. No comps, no checking up to see if we're ok. And the on top of that, I find out AFTER we get the bill that she charged me $3 for a dipping sauce (which I did not eat b/c we had to move our table). Which she failed to mention that there was an extra charge. We spent almost $150 there...what made me even more mad is that I didn't know my friend already tipped her for both of us, so I also tipped. Argh. Our friends were being nice about it. But this restaurant did not deserve any of it.
We didn't want to say too much at the time b/c we didn't want to ruin our time with friends. But seriously... No apologies if it was a normal thing for them to have cockroaches hanging around there. Super effed up. It's disgusting. If you can't control roaches inside your restaurant, what the hell is in your kitchen then??