Got to give them credit for committing to their concept. It is like drinking inside of a lava lamp that is itself inside of a volcano. And that is a high compliment.
Out front it is all dark red lighting, funky steampunk electronics in the wall, magma shaped seats, and a full list of lava themed cocktails. Plus for Saturday night they had $2 rails until 11:30. Whaaaaa. That's a steal. We got tipsy off rum shots for almost nothing.
After knocking a few back, we headed to the back area for the dance floor. The lights reflecting off your skin have that trippy lava lamp look that works great. The best part: there is a small sunken alcove with a booth, lined in bricks, where you can descend about 2 feet below the floor level and have your own private oasis. The dancing was fun, too, but not enough people shaking it the night we went. Lots of people just sitting around the floor.