Thank you so much, I attended a funeral first at the Casa, for my nephew Ty Thomasson, It gave me new revown faith. The atmosphere within your parish is amazing. I was raised a Catholic in a more tradition church, and with the strict teaching that I had as a child young adult, it was not a comforting place to be. However over the years I have had multiple opportunities to attend services in a variety of parishs, and I have never had the experience that I experienced this weekend. Maybe I am more recieptive due to the circumstances, however I don't
believe this to be the case. I attended your Sunday service and was truly feeling blessed that my sister in law allowed me to attend your service. Your loving welcoming to everyone your greatly appreciated. I want to find a parish in my area that practices our faith in a truly nurturing manner. I came home with a new perspective. Thank you again, Gail Thomasson Jones, La Mesa, CA