I used to grab a pie from this 'za joint at least once a week. I stopped for a short period of time giving myself a tolerance break from this delicious pizza addiction. Last night, however, I was feeling a bit frisky. I splurged a whole 9$ on a large pepperoni and 3-cheese blend pie with normal bake and normal sauce. I was overjoyed when I walked to grab my carry-out pizza. 5 minutes later my joy and happiness turned to disgust and regret. As I opened the cardboard vessel, I was greeted with the single largest pool of pizza grease I've ever witnessed. I lived in New York for several years, worked at several different pizza places and and consumed tons of pizza. I have never seen a pizza so grossly swimming in a literal pool of grease. As you can imagine, I soaked several paper towels in grease while blotting up this disgusting mess.
Thanks for ruining my dinner and taking my money. Buyer beware.
With respect and sauce,