Try to control your ADD as much as possible or let it go completely haywire and make a mess of your bowl. That's the best part of this place is the freedom to express your idea of the perfect sweet treat.
By far for me the best flavor frozen yogurt they have is the pistachio. It's not overly sweet and compliments a lot of the toppings if not all of them and I mean, ALL OF THEM.
Marshmallows, candy pieces, fruit toppings and weird jelloy liquid filled Chinese treats abound in this buffet of cavity creating concoctions. I didn't count but if I had to guess there's between 30-40 some odd options. They charge by the weight so keep that in mind before you get to the register to pay for a $20 bowl of frozen yogurt.
It appeared a family owns this location cause the daughter was working the register and mom was in the waiting area talking to us and I gotta say, they were very nice and that added to the overall positive experience of this place. I gotta also add that it was not messy and the toppings weren't all mixed up with each other. The cleanliness was evident.
A bonus is its right by RITAS, so if you're with people who prefer one or the other, you'll all be satisfied.