| - Tucked between Goodwill and TJ Maxx Homegoods is Ross. I shop here for good deals on home decor and things around the house. Speaking only for the home department, things are halfway organized, but some areas are in no particular order. Rummage through until you find what you're looking for. You can find good deals on pillows, sheets, etc.. I would recommend coming here first if you're looking for basic home good materials. If you get lucky and find what you're looking for, it will be less than Bed Bath and Beyond or Pier One.
All those things being said, I wanted to use the restroom, but was disgusted before I even made it to the toilets. I think I'll write corporate because the walls were DISGUSTING. I can't figure out how walls get this dirty, but employees should not be subjected to this filth on a daily basis.
Lastly, there seemed to be a shortage of shopping carts and their carts have these poles on them. Not sure what the reason is, but if you know, feel free to comment.