I popped into Monkey Pants for my first time not long ago. I guess the best way to describe the environment is gloriously tacky. It was Christmas time so they had lights up, including the sexy leg lamp thingy from "A Christmas Story", a wood fireplace on TV and they were building a beer can Christmas tree. Picture the biggest beer castle ever. From the floor to the ceiling. Yes, gloriously tacky is a wonderful description.
The music her was mostly country and rock. Sorry, Lady Gaga fans. The crowd was very mixed. It seems many people from many different backgrounds come here to bask in Monkey Pants' soft, tacky glow. The drinks specials were good, the waitstaff was very attentive, and they had many TVs with various sports events on.
One of the coolest things about Monkey Pants is the boardgames. Who doesn't want cheap drinks and Battleship? I dare ye find such a man.
I didn't get a chance to look at the menu, but as a vegan bar food for me usually means peanuts or french fries.