Having a rather wide part on the top of my head (read: bald), I'm always looking for good looking, quality hats in the right size and shape. I stumbled upon this store as I was driving by and saw the sign that simply read, "HATS."
I was so glad I stopped in. This store is a little overwhelming with its selection and price range. You're almost guaranteed to find what you're looking for and what you're willing to spend.
I finally found that real straw Panama hat I'd always been looking for - it even had the vents that I like for the warm weather here in Arizona - and had the opportunity to try on several sizes to find just the right fit. After I chose the hat, the proprietor steamed it to get brim shape I like and sprayed it with a stain guard.
I also had a chance to speak at some length with the owner, who is a really nice guy. He's quite willing to let you try on hats at your leisure or give you the benefit of his experience when you ask.
BOTTOM LINE: If you can't find the hat you are looking for here, chances are it doesn't exist.