I've had better service at 4am at a Jack in the Box. Its not so much that I mind being completely ignored by the staff, sitting an hour while I wait for my food, or being subjected to "Jersey Shore Shark Attack" on the tv while there were at least a half dozen sporting events that I would've rather watched. Nor do I so much mind being lied to by the surly waitress who announced that she wasn't working before heading off to the other side of the building to serve drinks to people who weren't me. Or that I missed 80% of the baseball game I went here to watch because this place just doesn't care about half of their real estate.
No, wait I'm pissed about all these things. If I wanted to be completely ignored by unattractive meth addict white trash prostitutes, I could've done that for free somewhere that bothered to get me boozed up before treating me like the throwaway, rickets infested children that they left at home alone, probably feeding on and showering in their own filth.