Harassment starts with asking a few simple questions...
My 9 month pregnant girlfriend and I stopped by to check out the Crosstrek, which we were interested in buying for our growing family. We met with Kris Patel from the sales dept. Keep in mind, we went in just to see the car and didn't even want to take it on a test drive (which he later talked us into). We made it very clear that we needed to look at competitive vehicles and make the right choice for our family. We also made very clear that if we chose the Crosstrek, we would call and then come in...
Bottom line is...
Do NOT give salesman Kris Patel your telephone number if you speak with him at the dealership. He will call you over and over. His newest trick is to call 3-4 times back to back.
Thanks to Kris's borderline harassment of my family with phone calls, which he is now blocked from doing more of, we will NOT be purchasing a new Subaru from Camelback.
Who in their right mind would think calling someone over 30 times would persuade them into buying a car from you? Kris must either have a quota of pregnant customers to harass or entirely too much time on his hands.