Rules for shopping at this place:
1. Check the dates on EVERYTHING before you purchase it. I found something that I wanted to buy the other day just to find that it had expired in 2014. I also had wanted to purchase a package of dried flounder, and took it to the register. One of the managers was checking me out amd informed me that what I had thought was just built up salt on the fish was actually mold. I'm glad he was kind enough to tell me so that I didn't end up buying moldy, dried fish, but still. And none of the other packages were mold free either.
2. Be prepared for a strong smell when you go to the live seafood section. There is a tank of live frogs, crabs, fish, mussels, etc. I have never purchased anything from this area as I am skeptical about how sanitary it is.
As far as everything else goes though, this place is pretty good. They have nice produce, though sometimes I feel like some of the vegetables I purchase there have an odd taste or smell to them.
Bottom line, I generally pick Asia Food Co over this place due to general cleanliness and atmosphere.