I graduated from the HVAC program at ATI a and I'm heavily disappointed. I went into the program cautiously, looking to be disappointed but was impressed by the instructor Ty Branaman. He was knowledgeable and made the material very interesting and best of all he held students to a high standard. After 2 courses with him I felt like I made a great decision but sadly it was all downhill from there.
All the teachers afterwards either didn't care or only cared about telling you how great they were. I complained to the assistant director, the director, and the owner and nothing was ever done to hold instructors accountable to teaching. The director Jonathan Magel is the most dangerous kind of hack because he probably took the field seriously in his younger days so he is knowledgeable but now stands actively defending old antiquated ways of doing things and battling against progress.
The best and most knowledgeable instructors here were Ty Branaman and Mike Lindsay but the way the upper management treated their attempts to provide a quality education you would almost believe that management and ownership wanted to see poorly educated people leave the school. I watched as incompetent people were pushed through as graduates for no other reason than greed. This school has no interest in educating only luring people who are eager to better themselves into turning over government funded loans to pad their wallets. The lab is always broken with no materials for repair, not enough tools to go around, and all of the lab units are donations which it makes it hard to see where any funds are actually going. Do yourself a favor and save your time, money, and effort! Either go to CSN or NTI.