My overall opinion is: If you like warm donuts and coffee, this is the place. And that's the only reason this is getting more than one star.
I went to Masterpiece Donuts & Coffee this morning with my boyfriend. We had been in a few times before and had received great service on each occasion until today. There's a guy who works at the location now and apparently isn't sure what customer service or common courtesy is. The shop had iPads you can order from and that's great and easy but sometimes people prefer to order in person. After we waited at the register for a few minutes the guy (has a bun and acts as though he's on a pedestal) came back up and said "are you paying in cash?" with a tone as though we were doing a disservice to him. When we said no (and had ordered at the register every other time we had gone) he said, "those" and pointed at the iPads. My boyfriend and I looked at one another and asked ourselves "when did that change?" Once we got around the counter to the one available iPad he barked, "Card. Here. Here." Strolling and tapping at the now two available iPads since someone had just walked away after there order. Confused, we ordered on the iPads as he gossiped and bounced around, and waited to receive it. As someone who works with the general public, I mind my manners and treat the people I encounter with respect. The attitude of this guy made me want to turn around and walk out even though my previous visits had been wonderful.
A word of advice to you if you're the employee with the attitude problem at Masterpiece Donuts & Coffee: Your body language says far more than the words you say. Mind your manners and treat the customers whose excitedly come to visit with the respect you would want.