| - Meat metropolis, carnivorous conundrum, however I describe it you'll still have to experience it to understand it for yourself.
If my visit to Tin Front Cafe was my earth friendly food decision (see my review of them, awesome place) then this was my f*ck all the animals food decision. Did I feel bad? When you taste the marinated, sea salt infused lamb chop you might not feel bad either, but let's not get ahead of ourselves cause surprisingly there's more than MEATS the eye here.
Located in Station Square in Pittsburgh PA this protein playground is surprisingly low key and you'd drive right past thinking it wasn't much. As soon as you walk through the front door though, you realize you've walked into the belly of the meat beast. I couldn't help but admire that everyone in the place was happy and not a seat was empty. While we waited me and my other 5 friends made our way to the bar. I had the signature drink the Caipirinha (meaning little peasant) a Brazilian drink along the lines of a Mojito but a little more sweet than minty. At $9 it was a small drink but that's to be expected at a place like this. I will say I think it was great, and worth a try at least once.
Our table was finally ready.
We had the option of heading to the large and impressively fresh salad bar before we began our meatscapade and there's way more than lettuce on there. Sushi, lobster bisque, potatos, fresh pastrami and hunks of cheese and bread and crackers populate it. For $25 you can get just that and you could have a pretty good meal with just that, but that's not why you came.
After a sample of the salad bar the main course got underway.
They give you a small circle card that is red on one side and green on the other. Green means go, red means please stop I'm so full I'm gonna explode. Makes sense? Good lets eat meat.
Try a tablespoon of mashed potatoes and maybe one roll but save all the room for various cuts of seasoned beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and brazilian sausage cut fresh straight to your plate. The lamb chops and the parmesan encrusted pork stood out to me. All the steaks were flawless and can be cooked however you like them. The sausage was smokey and delicious and the chicken melted right off the bone. Make it a mission of yours to eat every meat at least once. They can carve off just a sliver or a huge slice so you can portion your sampling out based on your stomach size. They give you these sugar and cinnamon fried bananas to cleanse your pallet between meats and I ate essentially a whole bundle of bananas as part of my meal in memory of Haramba and because they are f*cking delicious.
At $45 a person some people think this is a bit pricey ($70 after a drink and a tip/per person) but you could easily eat $100 in meat and with that being said, it's pricey but for good reason. It's not cheap and it only borders expensive for what you get. This isn't something you would probably do every weekend but every 3 months I could see myself treating myself to this meat masquerade. I waited a year to go and I can safely say it was worth the wait and actually made me wish I went sooner.
Go with a group for a special trip, this is a great place to watch each member of your party slowly tap out and turn their cards to red.
apreciar! (Portuguese for Enjoy!)