Out of the gate, the owner (I presume) was pretty grumpy. He talked to me like I'd never owned a knife before and like I was incompetent. To add to that, the knives are pretty horribly priced.
When I arrived, I inquired about bushcraft knives. The owner shook his head and told me he didn't have any (when clearly there were several). Apparently unaware of what he had just said, he showed me a Benchmade Bushcraft and Morakniv Full Tang Blade.
To give you an example of how overpriced the knives are, the Morakniv knife was priced at $145 in his shop. This same knife can be bought for $30-$40 on Amazon. The benchmade was $230, which is the current price on the Benchmade website.
While I am a huge fan of small business, I am not a fan of business done poorly. The stores website claims that there is a liquidation going on, starting in April 2018 and continuing for the foreseeable future, and that all knives are 50% off. This clearly is not the case.