First of all I don't know if they were just really busy or what, but it took over an hour to be delivered and to a hungry swimmer who just got done with swim practice, you do not want to come home to dinner not ready. After I finished eating everything and part of this is due to the fact that I ate so fast but also I blame the food. My stomach hurt and my mouth felt like it had been coated with a film from the peanut sauce. We ordered the Chicken Satay, Papaya Salad, Pad Thai, and a dish called the Swimming Rama. The chicken satay was okay, not bad not great. It wasn't dry but it was slightly bland. The papaya salad was very disappointing. First off it came with 1/4 of green cabbage taking up half the box. I ordered papaya salad not papaya salad and green raw cabbage! Second the salad arrived soggy. Maybe it was because I didn't have it in the restaurant and it was delivery but it was not crunchy and fresh tasting like it should be. Last thing about the Papaya salad and this could just be me but I personally like it when the peanuts are ground and put on top so I can mix them in and not whole and just thrown on top. (Even in the description of the salad it say's "ground peanuts".) Next up is the Pad Thai. This is not even close to the "the best Pad Thai" I have ever had. Like I had read in reviews. Lastly the Swimming Rama, this dish is mixed steam vegetables "swimming" in peanut sauce. I loved all the steamed vegetables. Not a big fan of their peanut sauce and its pretty hard to mess up steamed vegetables. Overall I think this place was good not great. I will probably order from them again just try out different dishes.