| - I think it took me longer to find this listing than it will to actually write the review! Why it didn't come up in a search is beyond me. I knew the listing existed because I saw it on the yelp app on my phone. Had to stalk a friend's profile (thanks Krystal D.!) to get to it.
Anyway, that's probably because my brain isn't functioning too well from being on a major sugar rush from going to this CANDY WAREHOUSE. Four stars right away for being what it is!
-Humongous. Every time we turned another corner, our mouths dropped open even wider. You'd have thought we'd seen Willy Wonka himself.
-Lots of variety, even within the same candies (including flavors you've probably never seen before). Also, you often get the chance to pick a big "bulk" version of what you want, or just a ten-cent mini version.
-Cheap. We could have sworn that with the amount we'd put in our basket, we'd be spending at least fifty bucks. Not so! It was only around $30 (and we were there a good hour).
-Very, very odd smell in large parts of the store. Might have been a six-year-old farting, but could not confirm.
-Some of the candies we purchased, while cool novelty "throwbacks," tasted like garbage (example: cow tails. Blecch! Well, we knew to buy just one of items we'd never tried before).
-Although there were gloves present in the "grab and bag" section at the front of the store, I wasn't too convinced that all the candy didn't have other people's germs on them. But that could just be me being paranoid.
-Items I wanted to see but didn't: candied fruit slices; chocolate-covered jelly rings; those little jelly blackberries/rasperries with teeny hard sugar balls all over them; Cadbury creme eggs (seasonal, yes, but one of my favorites all around)
Added bonus: We got to see lots of interestingly-dressed ladies (think 40-year-olds in prom dresses) taking pictures in the parking lot before attending some function at the hall next door. That was fun!