A very meticulous, quiet, friend of mine who has an excellent rental history, excellent employment with the government was denied here understandably because of their credit score policy. The problem is when you confiscate unnecessary fees such as the "holding fee" in the amount of $51.15 to be applied to the first month's rent. Since she was denied, and there will be no first months rent, the right thing to do would be to refund that portion of the money down. How can you prosper in a community that isn't prospering due to immoral business practices? These practices may be legal but a management company will struggle because of them and that's a word of advice...for free. The nonrefundable application fee is a business practice that is acceptable due to the time put into processing the application. I am very disappointed in this company's nonrefundable policy as there seem to be nice, helpful people working in the office. I will exhaust all resources available to me when filing complaints on her behalf to ensure that people are aware of these legal however UNETHICAL business practices if nothing more.