Wow - what a crazy bad place this has turned into. For context - I sat at the bar on this brief visit and there was one other person at the bar.
If you want flat beer - go to Buffalo Bob's right now - they are out of CO2 and think they are fine. I went in and was offered a sample of the only microbrew they had on tap. I told the bartender that it was really flat and he said it must be the end of the keg. I asked him what the low side pressure should be and he was lost. I tried a Budweiser and it was also very flat - like no bubbles coming up 30 seconds after it was placed in front of me. Lame!
When the bartender first greeted me - I asked for a menu. He said "they are out on the tables". There were maybe 14 people in the place and none of them had menus so I was confused as to what he meant. And there were not menus on the unoccupied tables either. When he came back five minutes later he asked if I wanted to order from the menu. When I stated I did not yet have a menu he produced one that was tucked along the bar in front of me out of my view.
The only other customer at the bar had a full flat beer too.
If there were a Canadian version of "Bar Rescue" this place would be a perfect contender.