I was excited to hear that my daughter was pregnant and we wanted to be a patient of Dr. Lewis and so we called to see if they took her insurance and were told no, so my daughter went to see another OB (whom is awesome, but not in our area) so I looked in the provider book and saw Dr. Lewis in fact was a provider and called back and they stated they were sorry for the miscommunication, that it's hard to keep up with all the updates to insurances. I informed them she is due in Oct and would like to be seen, I was told she sees her patients around 10 wks along, at the time my daughter was only 6 weeks and we should call back to get her in for the 10 weeks. My daughter also called and was told the same thing. So here it is, she is 10 weeks and we call and they're already full for October babies, well thanks for messing us over and not communicating that and the staff should've said we could make the appt right then, instead of yes give us a call back to schedule when she is further along. It is totally unfair being that my daughter was excited to be seen by her, since my nephew was delivered by her. Oh well guess we will start the search for another OB