This store makes me wish I made a lot more money. If money weren't an option, I could probably drop $2000 per month here easily. Sigh. I've learned from others to stalk the website regularly and wait for my favorite items to go on sale then get down to the store as fast as I can. I haven't been to the location at the Forum Shops yet, so I can't say how this location compares. But when I've visited this location, there is a nice balance of the employees greeting you and being available without being too in your face. I usually make shopping a solo mission and I would be perfectly content entering a store without an employee acknowledging me once. I can't stand when the employees are all up in my business nonstop and bringing me stuff they think would look cute. I would have brought my girlfriends if I needed that kind of attention! Anyway, when I've been to this Anthropologie, they seem to have good timing when my arms are just about getting full to come up and take my pile to the dressing room. There is an employee designated to the dressing room to run and grab new sizes if you need them. Also, this dressing room has some of the best lighting I have ever seen! I guess that could be a bad thing, because things that probably wouldn't normally have looked good on me looked great! My only complaint is that there were a few items I had on my online wish list that I couldn't find in this store. I don't know if they don't carry the full selection or they are just late to get some newer items in. Regardless, I will definitely be back!