Delish! Open all day all nite, sells sammiches, drinks, chips, and soup.
C'mon man, man! You can't complain.
Yes there's a long line, but it goes by fast. I mean you're in Vegas. Chances are you're with people who you enjoy being around, so waiting in line won't be bad. Suck it up especially if you want a good sammich!
My friends and I had an ingenious idea. 2 of us ordered 2 different sammiches and split with each other so we can get to taste 2! Genius, pure genius Lloyd.
I ordered the Hawaiian BBQ and my friend ordered the Holiday Turkey Sandwich. The hawaiian had the sweetness from the pineapple with the smokey taste of barbecue, perfectly cooked. It had a pleasant balance. The holiday turkey was just like Thanksgiving in my mouth! Turkey with cranberry sauce and stuffing! DANG i'm getting hungry just writing this review! Shoot, I think I just sold myself again
When in vegas...
try the EARL of SANDWICH!