| - I had gone to this Trek store on Yonge twice in the past to service my Specialized mountain bike with no problem. The store is expensive but centrally located. Customer Service is NOT this store forte... I knew that already. This time around the experience was really atrocious. They say they service other brands than Trek... OK. My wife bought a cheap CCM and at first they would not even undertake to do a $59.99 tune up on it... They (the manager or owner) insisted that they could service well known brands such as Specialized, Mongoose, Cannondale, etc...but that they would "waste their time tuning up a department store bike" (verbatim) ... At first I thought it was a joke. Then I realized it wasn't...Wow. My wife and I thought their mechanics probably were "artists" and hence took their craft very (too) seriously. OK. Having said all that the millennium generation who served me in the service department not only felt entitled like others of that generation, they also contradicted themselves and found a myriads of reasons to tell me AFTER the fact ie after they tuned up my bike that they are really at their best when they service Trek bikes only. Attitude I can get ANYWHERE... The guy who serviced my mountain bike, a $199 tune up, including suspension, told me that my 2010 Specialized Epic Comp had "parts that where proprietary to Specialized" and hence he could not find a seal for the rear suspension that was leaking... Euh well OK. But then he elected to compare my mountain bike to a "Ferrari" justify the rarity of the part. My Specialized Epic Comp is probably a lowly end BMW 3 series, if that. Dude, if you would have told me beforehand that you might have required parts that only a Specialized certified dealer would have carried, I would have gone elsewhere. Contrary to what you think my friend, I am not that stupid. It seems easy for this store to take the business to service other brands of bikes than Trek , and then, on an ad hoc basis, explain to the client that they really are at their best with the Trek brand only. Clients can read the name on the store front boyzs... It is Trek, we get it. Morally and ethically you should just service Trek bikes instead of making all these excuses at posteriori after trying to milk clients for a $199 tune up when you know damn well that you are not be going to be able to fullfill your own itemized list on the tune up description you are selling clients because you might not have all the parts required to fix any problems you might encounter on "other than Trek brands". Seriously?