My first time here several weeks ago was great. My second time lost a lot of points. Monsoon rains were coming and water leaked from the ceiling onto our chairs and table. Apparently the waiters didn't think a leaking roof was a big deal in a restaurant and didn't do anything to accommodate. We ended up just sliding the table away ourselves and heard no apology from anyone.
We asked our server for a minute to take our order soon after we arrived. He took forever afterward and only came when we flagged him down after making awkward forced eye contact. During my meal, he took my plate without asking if I was finished - I was still working on those fries and had to physically grab his arm to set the plate back down.
Then there was this witch with a B giving us attitude because a friend asked why she didn't tell him she had moved his phone that was charging near the waiters' computer workstation. They exchanged some heavy words and we asked to speak to the manager. The other workers were watching and smirking during this time. She claimed she didn't work there so she couldn't get fired (She was wearing all black like every other employee and had been chatting it up with two other waiters at the station for a while, but whatever she says...).
So minus stars because these waiters were awful and don't care about repeat customers. Minus stars for upcharging to sub for a measly portion of fries. Minus stars for not stepping in to stop a confrontation in the middle of the restaurant that was completely unnecessary. Minus stars for leaky roof and, hoping no one's contaminated.
They'll get to keep a few stars because the food itself isn't that bad. There's too many comparable restaurants in Phoenix for me to be back. Bye bye FEZ, too bad.