Overall likable dentist and staff, although turnover does seem to be high. I had the same hygienist for a couple of years, but when she left I had a teeth cleaning from a guy who sounded like he had laryngitis and even though he wore a mask it was still concerning that he could be sick and spreading his cooties. The cleaning was fine, but the office shouldn't have let him work with patients.
I am a little suspicious of dentists because I have had some bad experiences and have heard similar stories where they take advantage of what patients don't know and count on us not getting a second opinion. I had a cavity filled in December to "use up my benefits" before the end of the year. The cavity was invisible to me - no pain and I couldn't see it on the x-ray, but Dr. Smith could see it. I don't think it was necessary and I will always be suspicious of "cavities caught early."
I would still recommend this dentist for the overall experience and dental care.