As a 12 year old boy, my friends and I were obsessed with Harold and Kumar and I mean OBSESSED. We'd watch it every single week after our Sunday league soccer games and always dreamed of going on a road trip to get 100's of those tasty looking little sliders.
Unfortunately, that dream never did come true but 12 years later the reminiscing angels opened up the heavens and decided to let the King and Queen of White Castle land one of their castles on the Las Vegas strip!! Hallelujah right??! ....OH... HELL.... NO!
The spot is located inside the Casino Royale Hotel, right across the street from the Mirage so it's pretty centrally located. It wasn't too busy when we went but it seems like the line goes very fast any ways. Maybe sipping on a fruity Phat Tuesday at the same time as ordering wasn't the brightest idea but either way the food here is absolutely disgusting.
I was EXTREMELY excited...remembering almost every line from Harold and Kumar as I waited for my food to be ready to grab. That excitement did a complete 180 Right after opening the bag, as it smelled like landfill or some type of sewage leak but of course I ignored it and proceeded to pull a couple regular sliders out of the bag and a chicken ring slider as well. Even though I was really hungry this stuff was so hard to swallow and digest. The sliders are almost as bad as dog food, actually I wouldn't even feed this to a poor little pup. The chicken ring sliders weren't as horrible but still tasted like dry cardboard.
I now understand why Harold and Kumar craved this place when they were high, because being high has to be the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY TO ENJOY THE FOOD HERE.