Now that the "honeymoon phase is over" (what a ridiculous expression), I am able to to regard my local gym with a touch more objectivity. It seems in my last review I was agog over the fact that they have facilities, but having used those facilities I must wax a little critical about this gym.
For starters, the change room smells cheesy. There is no other way to put this, and I'm sorry if it's off-putting but it's true. I'm not sure if this is because they don't ever clean the carpets in there (and why they didn't lay vinyl is beyond me) or if it's because they literally store cheese in there but I don't like it. Another smell I don't like is the toxic sewer gas emanating from (only half) of the shower drains. I feel like this is a highly fixable trap issue. And speaking of fixable, how about repairing the light bulb in the sauna which has been out for about a month now? It's become a bit of a running joke amongst sauna dwellers. Seriously, how many Goodlife staff DOES it take to change a lightbulb?
All this is to say: it seems they are a little bit careless about details here. The equipment and service are still great, and I never have a bad workout experience these so my notes aren't _quite_ enough for me to drop this place a whole star. (Am I too feeling the half-star longing...? DON'T BE RIDICULOUS.) But the bloom is definitely off the rose.