Dos has fallen far from It's old Tempe trailer park!!! I used to always hang at the Dos in Tempe on University dr just a step away from the ASU campus and Mill Ave. It was always I nice laided back place with a great Atmosphere. Now they want to be a big chain and there is no longer $2 corona's all day everyday like it used to be, Now Dos is some crappy bar/club. I was doing a search on youtube and came accross a video that was taken at this place, you can find it yourself by typing (dos gingos bouncer) In this video there was a drunk guy small harmless guy yelling obsivley not going to do anything and then this dushbag bouncer Punched this extreamly drunk guy knocked him out cold, then the bouncer jumps around beatting his chest yelling woo woo, what a joke! The guy should not be called a bouncer because it's not there job to harm customers even if they are dumb drunk. The video is pretty funny though. But it just shows that Dos Gringos is not the laid back place it used to be.