A nice edition to an area that already has a bunch of dining out options (and about to get a lot more w. the addition of Pinecrest and whatever is going in across the street from it). Everyone has heard of Slyman's near downtown w. their legendary corned beef sandwiches. And this spot offers that as well, but additionally offers normal size sandwiches as well. Other good options are the various fried specialties including sauerkraut balls and fried pickles and onion rings. I said good, not good for you. They also offer various other meat sandwiches and melts, and a solid breakfast menu. Pretty much anything can be served with "cheese and corn beef sprinkled on it". One complaint, no wifi. Tough to have a business lunch there because of that. A bit pricey, but always packed, Slyman's will deliver a good meal whether its breakfast, lunch, or dinner.